licess 发表于 2011-3-10 12:35:26

Directspace Debian 6 VPS warning: script 'vzquota' missing LSB tags and override

Directspace的Debian 6因为缺少LBS,安装软件时会提示一下错误:
insserv: warning: script 'S10vzquota' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script 'vzquota' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop between service vzquota and rmnologin if started
insserv:loop involving service rmnologin at depth 3
insserv:loop involving service vzquota at depth 2
insserv:loop involving service rsyslog at depth 1
insserv: Starting vzquota depends on rmnologin and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: There is a loop between service vzquota and rmnologin if started
insserv: Starting vzquota depends on rmnologin and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting vzquota depends on rmnologin and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting vzquota depends on rmnologin and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
dpkg: error processing screen (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
configured to not write apport reports

在start(){   前面添加如下内容:

# Provides: OSSEC HIDS
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog $time
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: OSSEC HIDS

ccloving 发表于 2012-2-3 23:51:54

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查看完整版本: Directspace Debian 6 VPS warning: script 'vzquota' missing LSB tags and override