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数据库服务器 今日: 0|主题: 173|排名: 3 

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[Oracle] 请问VPS搬家的话数据库要怎么备份还原? oldghost 2011-11-8 28318 oldghost 2011-11-8 23:18
[Oracle] 求助Mysql安装问题 li_funk 2011-7-16 29943 bbccdd 2011-10-3 12:40
[Oracle] 数据库出现损坏,无法开启进程 wintone 2011-9-20 58855 wintone 2011-9-21 17:20
[Oracle] mysql集群问题 xiaowio 2011-9-20 06488 xiaowio 2011-9-20 14:22
[Oracle] 修改3306端口后,网站打不开了? attachment kuluutu 2011-9-7 28431 licess 2011-9-9 08:40
[Oracle] 求助啊! CentOS下MYSQL怎么配置 才能远程连接数据库呀 kyubii 2011-8-24 18298 licess 2011-8-25 08:46
[Oracle] lnmp 环境下,使用 mysqlcheck , 官方mysql 数据库修复工具! agree imacintosh 2011-8-16 07320 imacintosh 2011-8-16 02:02
[Oracle] 老大,mysql创建用户问题 undeadniao 2011-7-23 17794 licess 2011-7-24 07:45
[Oracle] 数据库最大限制 laoyebin 2011-7-17 38514 licess 2011-7-18 14:12
[Oracle] 无法连接数据库? jjzl2010 2011-6-26 37271 jjzl2010 2011-6-26 13:49
[Oracle] linux下忘记mysql root密码,如何重置密码 licess 2011-5-25 211112 licess 2011-5-26 12:18
[Oracle] MySQLdb/mysql-python安装时EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found licess 2011-5-5 015467 licess 2011-5-5 14:14
[Oracle] 请问有什么SSH的分卷备份数据库办法么 kerneg 2011-2-23 213445 kerneg 2011-2-26 11:57
[Oracle] ubuntu编译安装mysql错误do_abi_check的解决方法 licess 2011-1-28 011577 licess 2011-1-28 14:55
[Oracle] 开启phpmyadmin数据同步的问题 qxwo 2010-11-13 313796 qxwo 2010-11-13 17:40
[Oracle] [Warning] '--skip-locking' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release digest licess 2010-10-28 045943 licess 2010-10-28 11:54
[Oracle] MYSQL 频繁出现 Can't create UNIX socket (12) 错误 jianjin712 2010-10-19 08532 jianjin712 2010-10-19 19:57
[Oracle] 非常实用的sql语句 licess 2010-10-6 07367 licess 2010-10-6 10:39
[Oracle] MySQL编译错误:checking "how to check if pid exists" licess 2010-3-13 08383 licess 2010-3-13 09:51
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